Qui ne risque rien n'est rien… sur le chemin de Damas, alors que les opinions ont cédé face aux faits…
on ne le dit assez : un âge n'en chasse pas un autre, tous les âges qu'on a vécu coexistent à l’intérieur de soi, ils s'empilent, et l'un prend le dessus au hasard des circonstances.

vendredi 19 août 2016

"The Wounded Boy In Orange Seat" : La propagande occidentale se déchaîne contre la Syrie

La pseudo organisation humanitaire "Whites Helmets"(casques blancs) du groupe terroriste al-Nosra utilise de fausses photos d'enfants bombardés pour donner une justification à ce que les gouvernements occidentaux bombardent les positions de l'Armée Arabe Syrienne.

Comment les "Démocraties" choisissent les images pour servir leur propagande visant la destruction de la Syrie…
Entre montage mensonger aussi grossier qu'odieux et occultation des crimes commis par les "rebelles modérés" soutenus et financés par l'Occident…
Quand la décapitation d'un enfant de 13 ans c'est "du bon boulot" !
Et pourtant ces deux photos sont vraisemblablement du même photographe : Mahmoud Raslan

Les deux photos ci-dessus associées sont en réalité vraisemblablement du même photographe, Mahmoud Raslan, œuvrant pour les "rebelles modérés" qui font du "bon boulot" :

La même équipe était là lors de l'enregistrement de chacune des deux scènes :
la décapitation bien réelle du 18 juillet (en haut à droite) et la falsification récente.
Les visages joyeux des "terroristes modérés" qui se préparent à une décapitation ne peuvent qu'ajouter à l'horreur de leur acte…
et à l'abject des responsables occidentaux qui les cautionnent.

Le 18 juillet, tôt le matin dans Handarat d'Alep les djihadistes de l'opposition syrienne "modérée qui fait du bon boulot" (Nour Al Din Zinki) ont capturé un enfant de 13 ans d'origine palestinienne. Les islamistes ont déclaré que l'enfant-victime était un combattant d'Assad. Ensuite ils ont procédé à la décapitation de l'enfant. Ce crime abominable d'ailleurs très fréquemment pratiqué par la prétentue opposition modérée que soutient la politique internationale, a eu lieu sur le plateau d'un véhicule type pick-up. L'enfant probablement appartenait à la communauté syro-palestinienne d'Alep qui soutient la République Arabe Syrienne. Il est à noter que dans la ville d'Alep une Unité palestinienne composée de volontaires se bat avec l΄Armée Arabe Syrienne contre la terreur sous le nom de la Brigade de Jérusalem (Al-Qods).

Omar Salkho et Mohammed Mayuf,  les "Zinki child beheaders",
et autres membres du groupe "Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki" qui ont décapité un enfant de 13 ans, Abdallah Issa

WTF: Guy who taken pictures working for AFP is in same group from the beheaders who behead a Kid in Aleppo


*   *   *


August 18, 2016

The "Wounded Boy In Orange Seat" - Another Staged "White Helmets" Stunt

This pic is making the rounds in "western" media together with a tearful story from "activists" in a neighborhood in al-Qaeda occupied east-Aleppo.

Maquillage grossier d'un garçon apparemment blessé, trop tranquillement assis dans une ambulance toute neuve…
Il ne saigne pas du tout. Une substance de couleur  rouge a été appliquée sur son visage, mais pas de sang qui coule. 

Étonnant quand on sait combien saignent les personnes atteintes de blessures à la tête…
"Autant que des porcs égorgés !"

A boy, seemingly wounded, sits quietly in a brand new, very well equipped ambulance. At a point he touches what looks like a wound on his left temple. He shows no reaction to that touch.
The two minute video (also here), from which the pic is taken, shows the boy being handed from the dark above to some person in a rescue jacket and carried into the ambulance. There he sits quietly, unattended, while several people take videos and pictures of him. One other kids, not obviously wounded, is then carried to the ambulance.

As the story is told:
Mahmoud Raslan, a photojournalist who captured the image, told the Associated Press that emergency workers and journalists tried to help the child, identified as 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh, along with his parents and his three siblings, who are 1, 6 and 11 years old.
"We were passing them from one balcony to the other," Raslan said, adding: "We sent the younger children immediately to the ambulance, but the 11-year-old girl waited for her mother to be rescued. Her ankle was pinned beneath the rubble."
An internet search for "Mahmoud Raslan", the claimed "photojournalist", finds no other pictures or videos attributed to that name.
There are about 15 men standing around the scene and doing nothing. (Next to a "just bombed" site in a warzone? No fear of a double-tap strike?) At least two more men, besides the videographer, are taking pictures or videos.

Another kid is carried into the ambulance. In the background there is someone with a white helmet wearing a shirt of the U.S./UK financed "White Helmets" propaganda group.

An animated wounded man is walked towards the ambulance.

Like the boy, the man seems to have a wound at the upper head. But like the boy he is not bleeding at all. There is some red colored substance on his face but no blood is flowing. That is astonishing. When I rode ambulances as a first-responder, people with head wounds always bled like stuck pigs (they often messed up the car which I then had to clean). As WebMD notes:
Minor cuts on the head often bleed heavily because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Although this amount of bleeding may be alarming, many times the injury is not severe ...
The amount of red colored substance on the boy and the man do not correspond to the amount one would expect from even a minor head wound. There are also no bandages applied or anything else that could have been used to stop an actual head wound from bleeding.
Compare the above to this recent picture from a boy in west-Aleppo. (No "western" media showed this boy and his suffering. He is not on "our side".) The boy suffered a head wound after an improvised missile from al-Qaeda and its associates hit his neighborhood. He is in care, the bleeding has been stopped. The amount of blood on his body and soaked into his cloth is a multiple of that seen in the above pictures. The blood is also mixed with the other dirt on his face, not painted over. This looks like those patients in my ambulance. This looks real.

Comparez la photo diffusée par la propagande à cette image récente d'un garçon réellement blessé
dans Alep-ouest. (Là pas de médias "occidentaux" pour montrer ce garçon et sa souffrance.
Il n'est pas du «bon côté».) Le garçon a reçu une blessure à la tête provoquée par un missile artisanal
d'al-Qaïda et ses complice lancé sur son quartier. Il a été pris en charge, le saignement a été arrêté.

Mais la quantité de sang sur son corps et son vêtement trempé atteste de la réalité de la blessure
telle que la connaissent les ambulanciers. De plus au sang sont également mêlées
d'autres salissures sur son visage, lui, non maquillé. Cela est réel.
L'environnement est effectivement celui d'un centre médical actif…
et non comme dans le montage de propagande vide de toute activité de soin…

All attributes of the "boy on orange seat" scene and of the video are the same that can be found in dozens of "White Helmets" videos. It is the same theme that occurs over and over again in our picture collection Dramatic Rescue! Man With Kid Runs Towards Camera!.
I am inclined to believe that the video above is just as staged as the other "White Helmets" videos and pictures. The look of the boy's wound is a bit more realistic than usual but the lack of bleeding, that no one attends to the boy, his non-reaction to touching the "wound" and the general setting of the video scene lets me believe that it is staged.
This new, widely distributed propaganda item comes again at a moment where al-Qaeda and its associates in Syria are in trouble. The Russian air force is hitting them in the rear area of their attack on west-Aleppo and it is hurting them badly. A "humanitarian ceasefire", which can then be used to reorganize and resupply, is urgently needed. The propaganda helps to increase the pressure for such a demand.
Some of its sponsors want the "White Helmets" nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The organization itself lobbies for it on its website. Has anyone else ever done such?

Have they no shame asking themselves for the prize? This right above another version of their main corporate brand attribute, a "Dramatic Rescue! Man With Kid Runs Towards Camera!" picture. Asking for a Nobel right above another staged scene?
But why not? Obama was nothing more than a marketed product when was handed the Peace Nobel. He then bombed people in seven Muslim dominated countries to dust. There is no good reason then to not give that prize to yet another propaganda tool which also wants more war.
Then again, I find a nomination for the Academy Awards, maybe in the category of "Best Marketed Fakes", more appropriate.
Posted by b on August 18, 2016 at 01:16 PM | Permalink
What a fucked up world.
Posted by: Mattose | Aug 18, 2016 1:26:53 PM | 1
Fascinating. When I saw the original photo, the soot across the right eye looked like it had been painted on as the lines were just too straight.
It should be remembered that the "photojournalists" of the "rebellion" got their training and equipment from the CIA. I do think that instead of the a Noble Peace, they should get an Oscar for Best Fake Reporting.
Posted by: Michael | Aug 18, 2016 1:35:05 PM | 2
But think of all the effort they put into these photos, b. The casting alone is impressive. Military-age men without (or with neatly trimmed) beards. Soros demanded they stop publishing any White Helmet photos with guys that have long, scraggly head-chopper beards, and suddenly you didn't see any. And I mean zero. That was around the time the U.S. told the FSA to trim their head-chopper beards because the long ones scared Americans. No TOW-2As unless they shaved. The MSM started publishing photos with groups of head-choppers - all either clean-shaven or with equally-neatly trimmed beards. It was just weird. I don't think al Nusra liked that too much, so it sort of disappeared. The White Helmets have dutifully kept publicly-released photos of themselves restricted to rescuers clean-shaven or with short-trimmed beards. It makes them look less head-chopper-ish and - I guess - Nobel Prize worthy.
As an aside, I love how the kid in the impossibly-clean orange/white 'ambulance' is sitting next to a well-labeled First Aid kit. Because you want to be sure your medical supplies are labeled in English - the national language of Syria. It's also important to have a First Aid kit in an ambulance because you never know when you'll have a medical emergency, and where would you get any medical supplies then?
Posted by: PavewayIV | Aug 18, 2016 1:47:13 PM | 3
As a scenic in Hollywood I work on many productions after the chippers (carpenters) do their thing. I am usually on set when they do the shoot for minor touch ups so I see a lot of this type of thing for tv and movie productions, where it may be appropriate. This is a piss poor production job if I have ever seen one.
Posted by: ruben | Aug 18, 2016 1:50:46 PM | 4
Here's a link to something mentioning "East Aleppo media activist" Raslan. http://syria.liveuamap.com/en/2016/6-august-east-aleppo-media-activist-mahmoud-raslan-in-ramouseh
Posted by: Hrothgar | Aug 18, 2016 1:52:25 PM | 5
And how come Soros isn't funding any White Helmets in Yemen, that racist pig!
Posted by: PavewayIV | Aug 18, 2016 2:00:25 PM | 6
The boy is also quite fat. He is evidently not suffering from the shortages East Aleppo is supposed to be suffering from.
Posted by: Laguerre | Aug 18, 2016 2:06:39 PM | 7
Another pr stunt pulled by the usual suspects.. Funny how the msm always come out in force to tell us how we should all be crying to "rebel held" (aka Al-Qaeda bases) Aleppo but never say a word when their lovely rebels rain gas canisters filled with explosives on Western Aleppo.
This is a classic "babies in incubators" moment.
I don't think the Syrian government must stop the offensive.. Sri-Lanka did it very effectively untl total vistory. The rats in the Eastern part of Aleppo have been given many chance to lay down their weapons but they choose to fight for their caliphate.. Why should anyone care????
Posted by: Zico | Aug 18, 2016 2:12:52 PM | 8
Crikey, mate! I have been out of range of WiFi for almost 2 weeks. When I left home on Aug05 all of the pro-Assad Syrian bullspit dorks were saying SAA/Hizzbolah/Kurds were kicking jihadi ass in Aleppo: 1070 was under control, Ramouse was under control, Hikmah School was OK, liveuamap showed the jihadis surrounded and no way out. I get back online yesterday expecting to see Aleppo thriving once more under the gentle, democratic protection of Assad and the SAA.
But look at the map now!! A flood of green w/ wee patches of red about to be swamped. WTF happened to Putin and his air strikes that was putting al-Q on the run? WTF happened to the valiant SAA? WTF happened?
Only goes to show: you cannot believe a word these Syrian bloggers/tweeters print on either side. The people who are predicting don’t know squat about what the situation will look like in 24 hours – probably don’t know squat about what it looks like in real time. They are as bad or worse than Higgins.
b, to his eternal credit, had the cojones to say on Aug07, essentially, “I fucked that prediction up.” Lesson learned: nobody can make a valid prediction based on bullspit. Don’t even try. Even if you’re right now and then, it’s just dumb luck. Put your chips on black and spin the wheel, you’re odds are better.
But speaking of bullspit predictions, here’s mine, based on politics not piss-poor or faked “battleground intel”: If the jihadis can hold out in Aleppo until Jan20|17, Clinton will rescue them. Putin will either tuck-tail or fight WWIII. His choice. By mid-2017 Assad will either be dead or in exile in some Shia country and Israel will occupy Golan.
Posted by: Denis | Aug 18, 2016 2:18:40 PM | 9
denis@9- haw haw haw..thanks for the piss poor prediction. You're always good for a laugh, if a bit long winded.
Posted by: hejiminy cricket | Aug 18, 2016 2:24:47 PM | 10
Denis@9 - "...and Israel will occupy Golan." Whaaaat? That's just crazy talk. Could they even do such a thing? The U.N. would never allow it! And I'll bet Syria wouldn't be the least bit happy about that, either.
Posted by: PavewayIV | Aug 18, 2016 2:30:46 PM | 11
thanks b for continuing to shine a light on this bullshite..
Posted by: james | Aug 18, 2016 2:32:31 PM | 12
@3 Pavewayiv - As an aside, I love how the kid in the impossibly-clean orange/white 'ambulance' is sitting next to a well-labeled First Aid kit. Because you want to be sure your medical supplies are labeled in English - the national language of Syria. It's also important to have a First Aid kit in an ambulance because you never know when you'll have a medical emergency, and where would you get any medical supplies then?
'impossibly-clean' just sums this whole charade up - does this look like an ambulance that has seen daily bloody casualties - no, not in the slightest - and that's before you look at the 'detail'.
The only strategy the USISUKNATO, and the rest, now has is total BS news, because the Syrian/Russian/Iran/Iraq/Lebanon and 'maybe' Turkey are covering what is happening on the ground.
The bombing base in Iran is a good move - it is out of earshot from the immediate arena - and the US cannot predict the trajectories!
Regards Fred
Posted by: fredjc | Aug 18, 2016 2:41:05 PM | 13
I have learned a simple rule: if it comes from a western connected organization, immediately doubt it. The odds are your doubt will be right 99% of the time.
Lying and deception are at the core of the west: it must win while everyone else must loose.
No more cease fires in Syria.
Posted by: AriusArmenian | Aug 18, 2016 2:43:05 PM | 14
@denis 9. Very frightening prediction. Hillary Clinton is ready for a world/humanity ending nuclear war with Russia to protect Al Queda in Aleppo. So when the nukes fall on New York City, Chicago, London, Paris, Berlin, we can all say with a sigh of relief "at least all the children in Aleppo are safe tonight. Protected by the family friendly first woman president of the United States."
Posted by: Erelis | Aug 18, 2016 2:50:37 PM | 15
Thanks b for shining the light on these despicable roaches.
Who provided the free ketch-up of a certain brand?
This prop will not fly in the Internet age. The "bloodied" kid sitting on the orange seat, with both hands poised on legs is unmoved; not a twitch and obviously not experiencing any pain or trauma whatsoever. Looks more like my kids rag-doll. Can we spell Staged?

Posted by: likklemore | Aug 18, 2016 2:58:42 PM | 16
When Al Qaeda filmed themselves beheading a 12-year old boy they pretty much lost any chance at winning the PR war. But I'm glad you're revealing the U.S. (via White Helmet) lies.
Posted by: rcentros | Aug 18, 2016 3:01:43 PM | 17
Obviously the little boy is not in pain. Every little child, in a stressful situation like this, away from the parents would start crying. And how do they explain, if a child has got head injuries that NOBODY is attending to the wound not to mention staying with a small child and comforting it???
They rather put him on the chair and make him look so mall and lonely and take photos. That is of course the natural thing to do when you have injured children rescued in a war zone. My argument being that it can not be that this boy has been injured and definitely this scene has been staged. Same as the scene with the little dead boy on the Turkish beach (the refugee welcome argument) if you remember.
I feel very sorry for this little boy though. His father is most probably al Qaeda and guilty of putting his son through this. These children go through stressful and terrible times, they are being abused for fake photo shoots and their parents that are not interested in using humanitarian corridors to get out of a war zone if only for the sake of their children. What kind of human beings are they?
Posted by: Demeter | Aug 18, 2016 3:01:52 PM | 18
@15 Erelis - Very frightening indeed - more frightening is the range of candidates on offer - where is the candidate running under the 'sack all bankers' and 'stop all bankers wars' mandate?

Posted by: fredjc | Aug 18, 2016 3:02:35 PM | 19
b, thanks as always for the exposure of those lies.
@all Remember this? BBC fake Syrian victims
Methinks the sponsors of that terror are really desperate for some safe corridor for their "ambulances" to get their "assets" (NATO/Israel/GCC military commanders) out of the siege.

Posted by: ProPeace | Aug 18, 2016 3:11:52 PM | 20
Just went to look here http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/08/18/boy-ambulance-offers-glimpse-profound-horrors-syria to see if anyone caught onto the item's obvious propaganda and said as much in the comments--No, and since I'm now banned from there until 2153, I can't post the proper corrective and link to b's great article as I've done in the past. You'd think the use of English inside the ambulance would've caught someone's eye, or other clues as pointed out by b and PaveWayIV. The great irony is the website's trying to raise funds by emphasizing "lies of omission" for which it's quite guilty of itself, particularly when exiling truth tellers like myself and at least a dozen others over the last month. Anyway, thanks to b for again unmasking the garbage.
Posted by: karlof1 | Aug 18, 2016 3:14:01 PM | 21
This is really revolting to see that child being (ab)used for NATO propaganda.
Don't those people ("White Helmet" et al scum) have any human conscious?
Or at least some instinct for self-preservation - are they that stupid to believe they won't be held accountable when the dust finally settles? What are they counting on?
Posted by: ProPeace | Aug 18, 2016 3:16:10 PM | 22
From 0:53 to 0:56 the injured man is directed to the ambulance in English, "This way, this way, this way..."
Also of note is how localized the "rubble" they are handing people over is, a small patch of several meters squared. After that, the path to the ambulance, and the area around the ambulance, is completely clear. Those evil Syrians must have used a very smart barrel bomb this time to contain the damage to such a small localized area.
On a more serious note, as usual, there is nothing to identify this video as being filmed in Aleppo Syria, or even outdoors, and not in some movie studio in Qatar.
Posted by: name | Aug 18, 2016 4:01:31 PM | 23
Watched the Vid. Watched the kid rub his head like he's tired - look at the 'blood' and try to wipe it off his hand. Words just flew out of my mouth.."ever seen a 5 year old see himself bleeding? They bawl and wail, and scream, and it's all you can do to convince them that they aren't going to die, while trying to calm them down, so they hold still, so you can stop the bleeding and pop a band-aid on the poor thing." Good spotting B.
Off topic, but per your "discussion" with Col. Lang, I went to one of Soros' Schools back in the early days - and the experience and my observations left me with very little doubt that it and he are a CIA op.
Posted by: skuppers | Aug 18, 2016 4:02:33 PM | 24
Of course, the entire concept of the "White Hats" is ridiculous propaganda based on the unconscious identification of the viewer with old Hollywood Westerns where the "good guys" wear white hats.
In a real zero-sum conflict international proxy war, as Syria is, the idea that handsome able-bodied men would not be taking up arms for their side, but would specialize, not in Emergency Medicine per say, a recognized discipline, but merely in extracting bodies from rubble before cameras is risible.
It is lamentable that there were no White Hats around when the three buildings of the World trade Center were demolished after being hit by two planes. First responders were uniformly shocked that there was not a single whole body in the rubble to be extracted!
Posted by: name | Aug 18, 2016 4:13:24 PM | 25
it's the John Bonet Ramsey of Unkie Shmuel's headchopper brigade! children as props & performers in adult fantasies, games and schemes. they need to throw in some wounded puppies & maternal-lactose deprived mewling kittens too. for the intended audience.
and i don't recall the NYT & co being at all concerned by incendiary devices in Fallujah et al. every word is a lie, a distortion, if only by omission.
Posted by: jason | Aug 18, 2016 4:15:24 PM | 26
hejiminy cricket | Aug 18, 2016 2:24:47 PM | 10
“You're always good for a laugh, if a bit long winded.”
Ha! You should hear the long winded ones that come out the other end. Practice, practice, practice . . .
- - - -
PavewayIV | Aug 18, 2016 2:30:46 PM | 11
“That's just crazy talk. Could they even do such a thing? The U.N. would never allow it! And I'll bet Syria wouldn't be the least bit happy about that, either.”
My take is that you’re being facetious, which you do very well. When was the last time GoY (Govt. of Yisrael) cared about what the UN thought? Well . . . OK, when GoY pitches a bitch about Hamas, then they care.
- - - -
Erelis | Aug 18, 2016 2:50:37 PM | 15
That was perfectly said. I won’t follow-up because b (properly) likes to keep comments on US election politics separate.
- - - -
ProPeace | Aug 18, 2016 3:16:10 PM | 22
“This is really revolting to see that child being (ab)used for NATO propaganda.”
Speaking of exploiting kids for political purposes, you might agree with this piece on Dissident Voice about Khizr Khan exploiting the tragic death of his son:
Posted by: Denis | Aug 18, 2016 4:16:05 PM | 27
This is the latest heart tugging news story, out of Aleppo?
The child was rescued from rubble. So it is claimed?
Except we aren't shown him being removed from the rubble?
Though, the person who took this footage claims he filmed him being removed from the rubble.
'I filmed the Syrian boy pulled from the rubble - his wasn't a rare case'
Can anyone point me towards the footage that shows the removal from rubble occurring?
Of any of the children that were positioned in the ambulance?
Posted by: brian | Aug 18, 2016 4:17:12 PM | 28
most of the White helmets pics look like photo ops
Posted by: brian | Aug 18, 2016 4:21:49 PM | 29
August 5 - Save Our Children on Russian-Syrian Proposal to establish 'humanitarian corridors' out of Aleppo - the original page is scrubbed so here's a link to the cache - http://tinyurl.com/z9k67wf (NOTE: the cached link was way long so shortened it using tinyurl)
"If Russia is serious about averting a humanitarian disaster in Aleppo it should strongly support the UN's call for an immediate weekly 48-hour humanitarian pause to ensure safe, unimpeded and immediate humanitarian access – both for aid to get into Aleppo and for civilians to leave voluntarily."
August 18 - RT: Russia ready to support weekly 48-hour humanitarian ceasefires in Aleppo – Defense Ministry -
" The Russian Ministry of Defense has backed a proposal from the UN Syria envoy to organize 48-hour weekly ceasefires to supply humanitarian relief to Aleppo citizens. The first truce could be organized as early as next week."
"The proposal – which was originally voiced last week by the UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura, who called for 48-hour ceasefires instead of the three hours proposed by the Russian side – has been welcomed in Moscow."
Looks like the NGOs succeeded in getting their 48-hour ceasefires with a little nudging from the helmets...

Posted by: h | Aug 18, 2016 4:24:51 PM | 30
Forgot to post link to RT's story - https://www.rt.com/news/356409-aleppo-humanitarian-truce-russia/
Posted by: h | Aug 18, 2016 4:25:57 PM | 31
The mass media at least in the US is uncritically fully taking up the video and images. The clip looks to be very effective as it has been posted with little or no scrutiny on both liberal and neocon sites (have no TV so no idea how it is playing there). Yah, compelling images on the surface but when doing an analysis (which is not allowed), you do have to wonder why there is so much blood on the child's face but none on the his clothes from what I can tell. Why so many hurt children in pictures/videos do not cry. These are not complex, distorting semantic questions, but questions that come out of simple experiences, and which never get answered.
Posted by: Erelis | Aug 18, 2016 4:39:36 PM | 32
Does anyone else find it strange that the kids don't look around at the ambulance? It's as though they've been in an ambulance before or they have been there for a while (which doesn't make sense if they've been rescued after an attack).
The little boy focuses on the camera. His lack of interest in the ambulance makes it seem as though he's in shock, but then he touches his hair and tries to wipe off the blood in a way that is very fidgety (he's bored?).
We only see the little girl in the ambulance briefly but it seems strange that she doesn't show interest in the big commotion at the entrance as another child is swiftly carried over. Wouldn't she be hoping that her parents/siblings may arrive? And would a young girl be wearing that dress in the evening? (I don't know the local customs.)
Others have pointed out the boys lack of a pain reaction and lack of distress but actually we see three different children (i>(I believe there are two different boys shown) that have just (supposedly) been through a frightening experience and (supposedly) injured and NONE OF THEM are crying or appear distressed.
And why are all these men huddled around the ambulance filming? Why aren't they helping to look for survivors?
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Aug 18, 2016 5:39:30 PM | 33
Generally when the media goes into a hypocritical frenzy about Syria it means the jihadis are getting pumped !!!
There have been a fair few Hezbollah funerals in Lebanon over the past few weeks, which generally means something massive is happening, and results will show sooner or later.
Also in regards to white helmets, im not too sure if anyone has seen this video and if it has been posted before my apologies, but its very good at exposing them.
Posted by: Deebo | Aug 18, 2016 5:39:59 PM | 34
You can maybe add this to your famous 'last of' list for Syria, (though it may actually be true), but the rest of the article ticks all the hart string pulling techniques:
USA Toady via Antiwar.com: Last female OB-GYN in eastern Aleppo tells why she keeps working
...Dr. Farida is the only female OB-GYN left in rebel-held Aleppo. She has no intention of quitting. “I love my work, and I love my patients. And I love little babies.”
et Al
Posted by: et Al | Aug 18, 2016 5:46:09 PM | 35
In the Guardian's story the photographer is named as Mustafa al-Sarout, who has provided more details to the reporter in Beirut (Karem Shaheen). He is apparently working for the Aleppo Media Centre.
The Guardian reported on 3 May that
Contractors hired by the Foreign Office but overseen by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) produce videos, photos, military reports, radio broadcasts, print products and social media posts branded with the logos of fighting groups, and effectively run a press office for opposition fighters.
It's likely that the Aleppo Media Centre is one of the products of these contractors.

Posted by: pmr9 | Aug 18, 2016 5:47:28 PM | 36
You've gone a bit far there, MoA. White Helmets HAVE pulled out old victims in the past, but this one's almost certainly current. Here's an article by Eva Bartlett, who's regularly visiting Syria, explaining how the White Helmets are embedded in terrorist-held quarters of Aleppo. That's how they were first on the scene... https://www.sott.net/article/325238-Western-corporate-media-disappears-over-1-5-million-Syrians-and-4000-doctors
Posted by: Niall | Aug 18, 2016 5:55:08 PM | 37
The ground around the Ambulance seems remarkably level and free of debris (one might even say 'clean').
Posted by: Jackrabbit | Aug 18, 2016 6:02:02 PM | 38
Watched the video last night (PST) Three key websites below link to the "boy" in the video, forgotten to bookmark. If you have time and patience read, click on all the weblink below: Pay particular attention to 21st Century Wire's Vanessa Beeley, she had documented extensively on the White Helmets.
1 - SYRIA: CNN Normalizes Suicide Bombers and Embeds Reporters with ISIS and Al Qaeda. August 4, 2016 by Vanessa Beeley
2 - What It's Like Being A Journalist In One Of The World's Most Dangerous Countries. Refinery29 Kaelyn Forde, March 18, 2016, 5:00 pm
3 - CNN #UndercoverInSyria: Clarissa Ward March 14th, 2016. 10:03 am ET
Posted by: Jack Smith | Aug 18, 2016 6:04:32 PM | 39
Have any of these White Helmet victims ever been filmed arriving at and being treated in a hospital?

Posted by: Yonatan | Aug 18, 2016 6:14:49 PM | 40
Gotta thank CD member Uncle Po for posting a link to this item there. Unfortunately, no excerpt was provided as a hook to get people to click on the link to read the truth of the matter--only one had so far.
Niall @37--
Eva Bartlett herself says the White Helmets are fakes and Propaganda System Tools, a judgment she made almost a year ago, https://ingaza.wordpress.com/2015/08/25/note-on-credibility-and-lack-of-impartiality-of-those-making-anti-syria-allegations/ So, I would say you need to retract your accusation of b since you're the one who's been duped.
Posted by: karlof1 | Aug 18, 2016 6:15:06 PM | 41
White Helmets do their job. But the media has a lot of images too choose, including quite shaggy jihadists cheerfully beheading a juvenile victim with a kitchen knife. You have to save ammo, plus, a simple shot of mercy is soon boring. And victims in the 'regime Aleppo" have their images too. Do not tell me that the main reason to prefer White Helmets' images is that they are most cute of them all.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 18, 2016 6:31:43 PM | 42
Niall @18 The White Helmets were created by the British MI6/Military as a propaganda organisation. Some of them are terrorists. Here is a video of them mixing with the ISIS and FSA buddies. There are other videos of them celebrating ISIS victories and bragging about dumping the bodies of non-takfiris in the trash.
Posted by: Yonatan | Aug 18, 2016 6:41:16 PM | 43
I've always assumed that the White Helmets were jihadis who swapped their AK's for a plastic hat as and when required. There was a piece in the Guardian a few days ago from a guy in Aleppo who seemed to be a legit educated revolutionary of the type that were active at the start. Interestingly, he'd only arrived just before the SAA closed the Castello road and crucially didn't own a white hat.
As for the boy, I feel that it's a mistake to cry fake. Injuries like that and worse are constantly happening on both sides and as such the image is representative regardless of provenance. As such, the wiser course of action is to give it the benefit of the doubt. People will believe it's true regardless and it's best to keep one's powder dry than enrage them by stating otherwise.
Posted by: Mr Toad | Aug 18, 2016 6:56:19 PM | 44
et Al @ 35:
I read that USA Today story on "Dr Farida" you linked to and after I read this:
"... Once a patient was hit in the neck by broken glass during an airstrike, she recalls. “So every woman who comes to the hospital knows there’s a danger to her life. So they just give birth and go home, as they know our hospital is always being targeted by the Assad regime.”..."
I couldn't read much further, I was starting to laugh too hard. The entire article is a terrible cut-n-paste mish-mash. So Dr Farida just pops the babies and sends the kiddies home with their mothers, with broken glass still sticking out of their necks or their legs still missing?
Posted by: Jen | Aug 18, 2016 6:58:37 PM | 45
About the authenticity of the top photo, which was reproduced in The Guardian etc. Indeed, even after a small kitchen cut the blood gets splattered. If the head was bleeding, the shirt would be dirty. Additionally, the place where the victims are aided is always a mess, especially in a war zone, blood get splattered, packages of dressing material are hastily torn, there is a lot of dust from explosions (this is why their exposed skin is white, but the ambulance should be a bit dusty too, etc.
Posted by: Piotr Berman | Aug 18, 2016 7:01:04 PM | 46
The organization itself lobbies for it on its website. Has anyone else ever done such?
Probably Eli Wiesel.
Posted by: MRW | Aug 18, 2016 7:12:31 PM | 47
So why RT is buying white helmet lies?
#Aleppo Boy: Ash-covered child brings home horror of Syrian war to the world (GRAPHIC VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Posted by: Kalen | Aug 18, 2016 7:34:17 PM | 48
This is VERY good reporting. Thank you SO much for helping us know how to fight against this horrific drive to war with Syria.
Posted by: American Antiwar Activist | Aug 18, 2016 7:37:19 PM | 49
@48, good question. I put my oar in and left a link to here. "Under approval"
Posted by: ruralito | Aug 18, 2016 8:06:01 PM | 50
My question. If this is in Syria why is the stuff in the ambulance written if freaking english
Posted by: Jennifer Franchina | Aug 18, 2016 8:13:36 PM | 51
b, so was the thalassemia thing an MSM lie, or not? It seems against self-interest for Western elite media to claim so.
Posted by: Jonathan | Aug 18, 2016 8:15:08 PM | 52
This kid (in the top photo), Aleppo boy -is, if I'm not mistaken, is the child of one of the Zinki child be headers (the short fat one)
Posted by: hejiminy cricket | Aug 18, 2016 8:50:08 PM | 53
@hejiminy cricket
This twitter feed (https://twitter.com/LinaArabii) shows pictures of Mahmoud Rslan posing with people asserted to be the Zinki beheaders. Think the identification is correct?
You can see the same picture right there on Rslan's FB page.
Posted by: catb | Aug 18, 2016 8:55:16 PM | 54
@53- whatever the case the photographer of Aleppo boy, Mahmoud Raslan, looks like an insane baby killer with a flair for makeup artistry.
Posted by: hejiminy cricket | Aug 18, 2016 8:57:28 PM | 55
catb@54- I think the photo I linked to was taken just before/during the Aleppo boy photo shoot.
Posted by: hejiminy cricket | Aug 18, 2016 8:59:39 PM | 56
Anything associated with the UK is presumed guilty until proven innocent. That country is even more diabolical than the USA.
Posted by: telescope | Aug 18, 2016 9:00:39 PM | 57
via twitterer RedKahina https://twitter.com/walid970721 Note makeup artists simulating gruesome wounds.
Posted by: ruralito | Aug 18, 2016 9:02:54 PM | 58
@ hejiminy cricket | Aug 18, 2016 8:50:08 PM | 53
Well knock me over, if genuine, the photo you linked to shows Mahmoud Raslan, the guy who apparently took the picture of the boy in the ambulance, snapping a selfie with the al-Zenki crew that beheaded the young kid a month or so ago, weeks after the event and therefore in full knowledge of what demonic monsters he was showing off with.
Just how stupid are the people running the West's propaganda effort, that is dickheadry of the highest order.
Posted by: Juan Moment | Aug 18, 2016 9:05:51 PM | 59

Voir aussi : Oscar Nominations for War Porn with Child Has New Nominee

Arrêt sur Info : Qui est le militant « journaliste » Mahmoud Raslan d’Alep ?

Al-Masdar : (Warning +18 Video) Aleppo rebels behead a child

Algérie 1 : Syrie - Les rebelles « modérés » décapitent un enfant palestinien

Un lien particulièrement utile : Terrorisme : Petit guide pour déjouer les pièges des mots

jeudi 18 août 2016

360 000 "extrémistes" étrangers ont combattu contre l’Armée arabe syrienne

Une étude publiée récemment par un Think tank allemand, le « Firil Center For Studies », estime à 360 000 le nombre d’extrémistes étrangers qui ont combattu en Syrie contre l’Armée arabe syrienne, entre le 10 avril 2011 et le 31 janvier 2016.

Le chiffre est effrayant mais tout à fait plausible. L’auteur de cette étude, le docteur Jamil Chahine, s’est basé pour aboutir à ses conclusions sur le nombre de morts publiés par différents médias et sur 51 autres sources consultées dans la région et dans le monde (qu’il énumère à la fin du rapport).

Selon l’étude, 360 000 extrémistes étrangers, hommes et femmes, sont passés par la Syrie entre le 10 avril 2011 et le 31 janvier 2016. Provenant de 93 pays, il s’agit du « plus grand rassemblement de combattants étrangers de toute l’histoire », venus de tous les continents, y compris d’Océanie, et de tous les pays arabes sans exception. Ce nombre comprend aussi bien ceux qui ont participé aux combats contre l’État syrien directement ou indirectement, que ceux qui ont apporté un soutien logistique, médical, ou encore les femmes qui ont pratiqué le « jihad sexuel ».

Le docteur Chahine chiffre à 95 000 le nombre d’extrémistes étrangers qui ont été tués en Syrie pendant cette période. Selon lui, il y aurait actuellement quelque 90 000 combattants extrémistes en Syrie, essentiellement dans les rangs de « Daech » ou du Front qaïdiste « al-Nosra », qui a récemment changé de nom en « Fateh al-Cham ».

21 500 Européens

L’étude du Firil Center estime que sur les 21 500 extrémistes d’origine européenne, seuls 8 500 sont retournés dans leur pays. Les autres sont soit morts, soit toujours sur le terrain.

Les Turcs représentent le contingent le plus important. Il comprend des officiers, des soldats et des membres des services de renseignements turcs, des militants de l’organisation extrémiste appelée les « loups gris », ainsi que des Turkmènes. Ces derniers se battent dans les rangs du « Front al-Nosra » ou disposent de groupes terroristes autonomes, comme les « Brigades des Turkmènes de Syrie ». L’étude allemande indique que 350 militaires turcs ont été tués au combat en Syrie et que leur mort a été imputée à d’autres raisons par les médias.

Le nombre le plus élevé de morts a été enregistré dans le contingent de terroristes saoudiens, où sont recrutés la plupart des kamikazes. Sur les 24 500 extrémistes saoudiens, 5 990 ont été tués.

La Tunisie, elle, a offert le plus grand nombre de femmes extrémistes. 180 Tunisiennes sont allées en Syrie pour pratiquer le « jihad sexuel », et 45 d’entre elles seraient mortes.

La Jordanie aussi a apporté son lot de combattants, avec 3 900 individus. 1 990 ont été tués sur le champ de bataille, surtout dans les rangs de « Daech » et d’« al-Nosra ».

L’année 2015 a vu une augmentation du flot de combattants venant de pays d’Asie centrale, des ex-Républiques de l’Union soviétique et du Caucase russe. Les Ouzbeks, les Tchétchènes ainsi que les Chinois d’origine ouighour, ont joué un rôle de premier plan dans la dernière offensive terroriste lancée contre Alep le 31 juillet dernier. Les kamikazes qui ont attaqué les lignes de défense de l’armée syrienne et de ses alliés, à bord de véhicules blindés bourrés d’explosifs, pour ouvrir des brèches, ont été recrutés dans les rangs de ces trois ethnies.

La France a aidé «al-Nosra»

L’étude du docteur Jamil Chahine ajoute que 45 milliards de dollars ont été dépensés entre 2011 et début 2016 pour financer les opérations militaires contre l’Armée arabe syrienne.

L'Organe belge de coordination de l'analyse de la menace (Ocam) a de son côté indiqué que 457 ressortissants Belges sont partis combattre en Syrie ou en Irak, dont près d'un tiers de femmes et d'enfants. Sur ces 457 personnes, 266 sont toujours sur le terrain, dont 90 sont portées disparues et ont vraisemblablement été tuées.

Lors d’un déplacement à Bruxelles en mars dernier, la conseillère en contre-terrorisme du président américain Barack Obama, Lisa Monaco, avait tenté de minimiser le nombre d’étrangers dans les rangs des groupes terroristes, avançant le chiffre de « 30 000 combattants, dont 6 000 Occidentaux ». Cela était tout à fait normal car la responsable américaine était venue parler des « succès dans la lutte anti-terroriste de la coalition internationale » dirigée par les États-Unis. Mais Lisa Monaco avait reconnu que « Daech » gardait une forte capacité à « recruter, radicaliser et mobiliser des personnes à la violence » sur les réseaux sociaux, essentiellement via le système de communications sécurisées Telegram.

Sur un autre plan, le député des Français de l’étranger et ancien juge antiterroriste Alain Marsaud a dit « qu’à un moment ou un autre l’État français a facilité les actions d’al-Nosra. J’ai eu l’occasion de montrer à l’Assemblée Nationale des photos de combattants d’al-Nosra en possession de fusils d’assaut français », a-t-il révélé.

Source : Samer R. Zoughaib (French.alahednews) : 360000 extrémistes étrangers ont combattu en Syrie

Terrorisme : Petit guide pour déjouer les pièges des mots (Kurultay.fr)

lundi 15 août 2016

Homélie de l'abbé Lafitte, le 15 août 2016, pour l'Assomption de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie

Homélie de l'abbé Jean-Luc Lafitte, le 15 août 2016, pour l'Assomption de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie "forte comme une armée rangée en bataille" "médiatrice de toutes les grâces"
Remercions l'abbé Jean-Luc Lafitte, pour cette homélie de courage et d'espoir pour ce 15-Août, fête nationale de la France. Une réponse à un déplacement de Hollande auprès du chef de l'État du Vatican…

La vidéo du sermon de l'abbé Lafitte du 15 août 2016 a été supprimée sur Youtube, pour la visionner suivez le lien suivant :

Assomption de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, abbé Lafitte le 15 Aout 2016

Dame Marie

dimanche 14 août 2016

15-Août : Assomption de notre reine, la Vierge Marie et fête de la France…

Combien de fois la sainte Vierge a su défaire les nœuds les plus étroits de notre histoire ? Rappelons nous en ce 15 août, que la dévotion à Marie a déjà sauvé la France. Le plus pertinent à citer ces temps-ci, aux vues du terrorisme instauré par l’islam de Daesh, sera la bataille de Lépante. Un affrontement meurtrier entre monde chrétien et monde musulman : la victoire est donnée, contre toute attente à la flotte occidentale contre la flotte musulmane dite insubmersible. Et comment ? Grâce à l’appel universel du pape, exhortant la chrétienté à prier le Rosaire. C’est le Rosaire qui donne la victoire, il est une véritable croisade non sanglante.

Le salut de la France meurtrie serait donc entre nos mains ? N’en doutons pas, la prière triomphe de tout. En 1637, Louis XIII prévoit cette consécration à la sainte Vierge comme offrande pour obtenir la venue d’un héritier, qu’il obtint promptement. 2017 approche, et l’avenir de la France est incertain : prions donc le rosaire afin d’obtenir un bon chef d’État.

Il appartient à chaque enfant de France de prier…

Louis-Alexander Désiré chante l'Ave Maria

C'est Louis XIII qui fait du 15-Août la fête de la France…

Louis XIII et Anne d'Autriche sont mariés depuis 1615… mais leur premier enfant ne naît qu'en 1638, après 23 ans de leur mariage. Lorsque en février 1638, il  apprend que la reine est enfin enceinte, Louis XIII signe à Saint-Germain-en-Laye des lettres patentes plaçant le Royaume "sous la protection spéciale de Marie, mère de Jésus".

Le 5 septembre 1638, la naissance de ce premier enfant au château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye apparut comme miraculeuse… L’enfant, le futur Louis XIV, fut prénommé Louis Dieudonné, car on voyait en sa venue une grâce du ciel après le vœu de Louis XIII et la consécration de la France à la Vierge Marie. Deux ans plus tard naissait Philippe, futur duc d'Orléans.

Le 15 août 1638, partout dans le Royaume on avait célébré la consécration faite par Louis XIII à la Vierge, en lui remettant "sa Personne, son État, sa Couronne et ses Sujets".

Des processions en l'honneur de la Vierge et de la France ont désormais lieu dans tout le pays, tous les ans, le 15-Août. Des pèlerinages sont organisés, des enfants consacrés à Marie. Une fête qui reste très importante, dans un pays encore massivement catholique…

Le jour que l'on pourrait donc qualifier de « fête nationale de la France » reste bien le 15-Août, ce jour consacré à la Vierge Marie, toujours férié aujourd'hui, à la fois fête religieuse importante et fête dynastique. Temporel et spirituel se confondant, le Roi l’est "de droit divin", associer le religieux et le politique semble non seulement naturel mais souhaitable.

Consécration de la France à la Sainte Vierge : Texte du vœu prononcé par Louis XIII le 10 février 1638

Le 14 août au soir, procession sur les quais de la Seine
en direction de l’embarcadère des bateaux

Notre-Dame de Paris et le vœu de Louis XIII, une dévotion contemporaine

Le 10 février 1638, le roi Louis XIII consacre la France à la Vierge. De par ce vœu sont instaurées dans toute la France les processions mariales aux fêtes de l’Assomption, la première à Notre-Dame le 15 août 1638. La cathédrale de Paris devient ainsi le mémorial perpétuel de cet acte de consécration, chaque année y sera commémoré le vœu royal. Certaines années seront plus particulièrement marquées, au rang desquelles : le centenaire, en présence de Louis XV, le tricentenaire et, en 1988, le 350e anniversaire présidé par le cardinal Lustiger alors archevêque de Paris.

Louis XIII prendra aussi parallèlement à ce vœu l’engagement de faire reconstruire le chœur et le maître-autel de Notre-Dame de Paris. Ce chantier, débuté en 1699, ne sera exécuté que dans la dernière partie du règne de Louis XIV. Sera ainsi mis en place un décor baroque grandiose conçu par Hardouin-Mansart et de Cotte, dont subsiste encore aujourd’hui les stalles et, dominant la perspective de la cathédrale, la Piéta de Coustou entourée des statues de Louis XIII, remettant sa couronne et son sceptre à la Vierge, et de Louis XIV.

Louis XIII offrant à la Vierge sa couronne et son sceptre
Chœur de Notre-Dame, Guillaume Coustou, sculpteur, 1715 - © P. Lemaître

Si la tradition du renouvellement du vœu s’est perpétuée (hormis pendant les périodes révolutionnaires), celle de la procession dans Paris s’était éteinte au XIXe siècle au profit d’une procession à l’intérieur de la cathédrale. C’est en 1988, à l’occasion du 350e anniversaire du vœu, que le Père Jacques  Perrier, alors curé-archiprêtre de la cathédrale, réinstaura cette tradition en « sortant » de la cathédrale la statue en argent de la Vierge offerte par Charles X en 1826. Cette procession mariale se perpétue depuis, s’étendant même au fil des années, et parcourt aujourd’hui les Îles de la Cité et Saint-Louis via les quais de la Rive Gauche. Au milieu des 150 000 pèlerins, fidèles et visiteurs qui passeront à Notre-Dame pour ces fêtes de l’Assomption, 5 000 assisteront le 14 au soir à la procession fluviale embarqués dans treize bateaux sur la Seine et plus de 10 000, le 15 après-midi, à la procession dans les rues de Paris. Cette dernière se clôt dans la cathédrale, comme depuis 1638, par le renouvellement du vœu de Louis XIII :

Nous avons déclaré et déclarons que, prenant la très sainte et très glorieuse Vierge pour protectrice spéciale de notre royaume, nous lui consacrons particulièrement notre personne, notre État, notre couronne et nos sujets, la suppliant de nous vouloir inspirer une sainte conduite et défendre avec tant de soin ce royaume contre l’effort de tous ses ennemis, et que, soit qu’il souffre le fléau de la guerre, ou jouisse de la douceur de la paix, que nous demandons à Dieu de tout notre cœur, il ne sorte point des voies de la grâce qui conduisent à celles de la gloire.

Si ces célébrations ont toujours été présidées par le cardinal-archevêque de Paris ou l’un de ses auxiliaires, elles le sont depuis plusieurs années par des cardinaux-préfets (en 2010 le cardinal Claudio Hummes, préfet de la Congrégation pour le clergé, en 2011 le cardinal Marc Ouellet, préfet pour la Congrégation pour les évêques et président de la Commission pontificale pour l’Amérique Latine, en 2012 Monseigneur Rino Fisichella, président du Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de la nouvelle évangélisation). Outre l’intérêt particulier porté et renouvelé chaque année par le Saint Père à ces célébrations à Notre-Dame de Paris, il y a dans ces manifestations le signe fort que la nouvelle évangélisation, au travers des prières pour la France, engage l’avenir et s’appuie sur la Vierge au travers de l’acte de consécration de Louis XIII.

Des rassemblements dans toute la France pour la fête de l’Assomption

Mgr Pontier invite à prier pour la France le 15 août 2016

L'Assomption de la Vierge Marie à Paris

Pardon de l'Assomption à Rumengol les 14 et 15 août 2016

Fêtes de l’Assomption et Clôture du Jubilé du Puy 2016

Paroisse Saint-Germain d’Auxerre : Messes et procession du 15 août 2016

Le 15 août 2016 à 10h: fête de l'assomption à l'église du Saint-Sacrement à Liège

vendredi 12 août 2016

12-Août, anniversaire de la reine Sirikit et fête de toutes les mamans du Royaume

Le 12 août de chaque année, les Thaïlandais célèbrent l'anniversaire de Sa Majesté la reine Sirikit. À l’approche du jour des célébrations de ce 83e anniversaire de Sa Majesté, depuis quelques jours des drapeaux bleus, couleur du vendredi, jour de naissance de la reine Sirikit, ont fleuri un peu partout dans le Royaume. 

Sa Majesté est considérée comme la mère de tous les Thaïlandais.  Aussi le 12 août, jour férié dans le Royaume, est également le jour de la fête des mamans de Thaïlande. L'occasion pour les Thaïlandais  de tout âge de se vêtir d'une chemise ou d'un t-shirt témoignant leur amour pour leur maman, de lui acheter ou confectionner un cadeau. Les Thaïlandais offriront également à leur maman un bouquet de jasmin. La blancheur de la fleur de jasmin symbolise la pureté de l'amour d’une mère pour son enfant, l’intensité du parfum en illustre la force, et le fait que cette fleur s’épanouit toute l’année suggère l’éternité de cet amour…

La blancheur de la fleur de jasmin symbolise la pureté de l'amour d’une mère pour son enfant,
l’intensité du parfum en illustre la force, et le fait que cette fleur s’épanouit toute l’année suggère l’éternité de cet amour…

"La mère de tous les Thaïlandais", Sa Majesté la reine Sirikit mène de nombreuses  actions  en faveur du peuple thaïlandais, notamment pour l’éducation et la santé. Sa Majesté la reine Sirikit s’attache également à tout ce qui touche à la conservation des arts et de la culture thaïlandaise, à l'unisson de l'immense fierté nationale des Thaïlandais.

jeudi 11 août 2016

Чёрные береты… Морская пехота ! - La Mort Noire… Les Marines Russes !

Чёрные береты… Морская пехота ! - La Mort Noire… Les Marines Russes !

Hommage aux Forces armées russes…

Sheikh Imran Hosein : l'eschatologie de l'islam et les tendances actuelles dans le monde

Un discours au cœur du présent. Long mais qui mérite d'être écouté en entier y compris jusque dans les réponses aux questions posées. Une écoute éventuelle en deux ou trois fois. Toute présentation de ma part serait là pour dénaturer ce discours. Mon avis personnel n'a que peu d'importance… sauf pour vous inviter à écouter ! J'ai la certitude que ceux, chrétiens et musulmans, qui auront écouté n'auront pas été déçus ! À faire écouter aussi par tous les candidats au djihad…

Sheikh Imran Hosein : l'eschatologie de l'islam et les tendances actuelles dans le monde